On Saturday March 26th, the FCLAB and FEMTO-ST teams participated in the OVNI event organized by the UFC.

FCLAB explains to children how hydrogen work at the OVNI event

This inspiring half-day has concluded the FABRIKÀ project following the two days of mini presentations at the high schools in Giromagny on March 24th and 25th. CMI H3E students from the UFR STGI supervised by researchers from Femto-ST/ FCLAB presented various themes about hydrogen and energy.

maquette en lego pour expliquer le fonctionnement de l'hydrogène lors de l'OVNI event

Constructive conversations with the general public from 5 to 105 years old took place at the educational stands at the Espace la Savoureuse in Giromagny on Saturday. Various discussions around pollution, energy and the use of hydrogen today and in the future animated this day.

Well-done to the teams who worked on this event and thank you to the UFC scientific culture department.

You can download the hydrogen program